CV of Consul General of
Islamic Republic of Iran
in Karachi-Pakistan

Mr. Hassan Nourian
D.O.B: 1976
P.O.B: Natanz-Iran
Married, has 2 children
Master in International Law
Previous Designations
Director of Department of Passport and Visa Affairs, MFA, 2019-2021
Director, Department of economic diplomacy, MFA, 2018-2019
Consul General of I.R.I in Hydarabad, India, 2012-2017
Director of MFA branch office in Isfahan Province, Iran, 2010-2011
Secretary of consular commissions between I.R.I and Tajikistan, Kuwait, Iraq, Turkey and Kazakhstan, 2009-2010
Head of Consular affairs, Iran consulate in Karachi-Pakistan, 2004-2008
Joind Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R.I in 2000